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Celebrities with OCD

In the age of social media, there is not much that is kept private anymore. You can scroll at any time of day and find announcements, discussions, personal videos, and pictures with loved ones. Mental health matters have also established their spotlight here.

Person Washing Hands on Sink

As social media has advanced, many people have discovered a wonderful platform to share their experiences and help others in similar situations. Over recent years, many celebrities have opened up about their journeys with OCD, hoping to inspire others and reduce stigma.

OCD is considered an anxiety disorder and can be defined by two main characteristics: obsessions and compulsions. Studies indicate that roughly 1.2 percent of the population will be affected by OCD in any given year.

Here’s a look at some celebrities who have publicly shared their stories.

Camila Cabello

Camila Cabello is an award-winning singer and songwriter who has been very open about her OCD. She has reported that getting a diagnosis for her OCD has allowed her to manage the symptoms she was experiencing and cope with her disorder.

In an interview, she said, “I didn’t know what it was and when I found out and [learned] how to step back from it, it made me feel so much better.” Her obsessions and compulsions led to headaches and sleep disturbances. With the proper treatment, she has shared that medication, breathing techniques, and therapy have helped her find healing.

Jessica Alba

As a child, actor and entrepreneur Jessica Alba often struggled with health issues multiple times a year that significantly impacted her. Frequently feeling out of control due to illness, she inadvertently developed a means to control other aspects in the form of OCD.

She has described her OCD as a “panic that came over her” resulting in this need to find control. She also mentioned unplugging all of her appliances in the house and double-checking each door at night to ensure it was locked. Developing repetitive hand-washing behavior is another aspect of OCD that Jessica shared.

Daniel Radcliffe

Harry Potter himself, actor Daniel Radcliffe, has struggled with OCD since he was about five years old. He has dealt with compulsive behaviors, including repeating statements he’s made, often under his breath. He’s been a strong advocate for seeking treatment if you’re struggling with OCD. His advice to others: “I would encourage everyone to undergo therapy. It doesn’t mean you’re insane or weak.”

Justin Timberlake

Award-winning singer, actor, and entrepreneur Justin Timberlake has publicly shared that he struggles with both OCD and ADHD. His OCD started during childhood and his intrusive thoughts and compulsions have posed challenges along the way. His compulsions have included hand-washing rituals and re-arranging objects in a specific manner. Despite those challenges, he has still found incredible success.

Megan Fox

Actress Megan Fox announced in an Allure magazine interview that she has been dealing with OCD since childhood. She attended therapy as a child and an adult to help manage her underlying fear of germs that caused compulsory hand-washing.

She has mentioned, however, that getting the obsessive thoughts under control is more difficult. “All day and every day. I can engage in conversation with someone and seem present, but the whole time I’m thinking about something else, worrying about something else.”

David Beckham

David Beckham, noted for his superstar soccer career and marrying a Spice Girl, has been very open about his challenges living with OCD. His struggles occur at home, in the form of cleaning rituals and specific organization habits like pairing items and arranging them in a straight line.

These examples are just a small sampling of the many celebrities dealing with OCD. One common thread through it all is that they’ve sought out treatment and worked to manage their symptoms. If you’re experiencing OCD and would like to learn more about coping strategies, contact us today.




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